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Venice DIRECTIONS - Rough Guide
Venice DIRECTIONS - Rough Guide
3 490 Ft 
2 618 Ft

Venice DIRECTIONS - Rough Guide

Jonathan Buckley
208 pages – 15 maps (full-colour throughout)

Second Edition
March 2007
Rough Guides
Szállítási határidő: 3 hét
3 490 Ft 
2 618 Ft
Begin: 27/03/2009   While stocks last!
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Slim, stylish and pocketable, Rough Guide DIRECTIONS Venice is full of ideas for long-weekends or flying visits to one of Europe's most popular city break destinations. Providing accurate, up-to-date information this full-colour guide includes 28 themed sections – from "Death in Venice" to "Eighteenth-century Art" – to help you decide what to do, 24 hours a day. There are critical reviews of all the best places to stay, the best bars and the shops, all keyed to accompanying easy-to-use maps. Additional chapters cover festivals and special events from the Film Festival to the spectacular Regata Storica. The language section has a useful menu reader and handy phrases to have you speaking a little Italian by the time you arrive. It's like having a local friend plan your trip.
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