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Islamabad várostérkép - ETCO
Islamabad várostérkép - ETCO
6 060 Ft

Islamabad várostérkép - ETCO


Szállítási határidő: 2 hét
6 060 Ft
Detailed street plan of Pakistan’s capital with an index of main streets and various facilities, plus lists of contact detail for foreign embassies and other international organizations. The plan shows city from Khyaban-e-Margalla road in the north to the border with Rawalpindi, and from sector 4 and Lake Rawal westwards to sector 13. Within the central part of the city smaller streets in each sector are numbered and principal buildings, various governmental organizations and various facilities named. Mosques are highlighted.

On the reverse there is more general coverage of sectors D - I / 14 - 17, indicating various governmental offices and other buildings. The map includes a list of 112 embassies and various foreign organizations, giving full addresses and other contact details. Also included are indexes of main streets and various facilities such as hospitals, police stations, hotels, restaurants, etc., plus a list of telephone numbers for airlines, etc.
Article No.