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Lipari (Eoli) - szigetek térkép - LAC
Lipari (Eoli) - szigetek térkép - LAC
1 890 Ft

Lipari (Eoli) - szigetek térkép - LAC

scala 1 : 25 000
formato: 670 x 990

Litografia Artistica Cartografica
1 890 Ft
Detailed road and topographic map of the volcanic archipelago just north of Sicily, the Aeolian Islands, with hill-shading, scarps, contours, pick heights and minor nautical information (lighthouses, bathymetric information, navigational limits and underwater cables).
An inset shows an overview of the archipelago at 1:350,000.

Road detail includes five kinds of roads plus tracks, trails and footpaths, with names and intermediate driving distances on major roads. Administrative boundaries, panoramic roads and ferry lines are also indicated. Campsites, tourist areas and thermal resorts are also indicated.

On the reverse three insets show the volcanic and seismic activities of the islands, and some street maps of Lipari and Canneto highlighting various tourist and leisure information and listing hotels and campsites. Included are also some tourist, physical and historical information over the islands in Italian, English and German.

Non indexed, and printed on paper with a hard cover.
Article No.