Detailed, indexed road map of the Flinders Rangers area in South Australia. Cartography is similar to Hema’s excellent coverage of Australia’s interior in the “Great Desert Tracks” series: road information distinguishes between tracks plotted by the publishers themselves with GPS and those complied from the country’s topographic survey data. Topography is shown by relief shading, with colours and graphics indicating various types of terrain and highlighting national parks, protected areas, aboriginal lands, etc. A wide range of symbols highlight roadside facilities including accommodation, campsites, different types of fuels supplies, general stores and meals, medical facilities, etc. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 15’ intervals and GPS waypoints are marked for selected places.
On the reverse there are enlargements for the three main national parks in the area: Mt Remarkable NP at 1:125,000, Gammon Ranges NP at 1:250,000 and Flinders Ranges NP at 1:200,000, indicating main hiking tracks, ranger stations and tourist facilities. The map also provides descriptions of principal places of interest, a table of facilities in all the national parks, and lists of useful contact addresses.
This title is part of Hema’s series of regional touring maps, providing more detailed or more convenient coverage of various regions of Australia than found on road maps of individual states or in the publisher's "City to City" series.