Detailed road map of the coast extending northwards from Townsville, across Cairns, to beyond Cooktown and reaching inland to Mount Surprise and Lakefield NP. Topography is shown by relief shading, with names of mountain ranges and peaks. National parks, protected areas and aboriginal lands are highlighted, and along the coast the map shows the Cairns section of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park with names of numerous reefs. Road information distinguishes between tracks plotted by the publishers themselves with GPS and those complied from the country’s topographic survey data. Special routes such as the Pacific Coast Touring Route, and the Great Inland Way are highlighted. Symbols indicate roadside facilities, accommodation, campsites, 24h fuels supplies, wineries, etc. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 15’ intervals. On the reverse there are notes for visitors on things to see and do in the region and a table of facilities in the national parks.
This title is part of Hema’s series of regional touring maps, providing more detailed or more convenient coverage of various regions of Australia than found on road maps of individual states or in the publisher's "City to City" series.