Detailed indexed road map of the coastal Western Australia, extending northwards from the Perth conurbation to North West Cape and Onslow, and eastwards to the Goldfields Highway from Kalgoorlie to Wiluna, and beyond to the Little Sandy Desert. Topography is shown by relief shading and names of mountain ranges and selected peaks. National parks, reserves, and state forests highlighted. Symbols indicate campsites and caravan parks, roadside rest areas, 24hour fuel supplies, information centres, places of interest, abandoned mining sites, etc. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 30' intervals.
On the reverse five enlargements provide more detailed mapping and geographical coordinates (including a UTM grid) of: Cape Range National Park and the peninsula with the Ningaloo Marine Park (1:300,000), the area around the Peron Peninsula with the Shark Bay Marine Park (1:900,000), Kalbarri National Park and the environs of Northampton (1:500,000), Kennedy Range National Park (1:400,000), and Mount Augustus National Park/Burringurrah (1:150,000), There are also descriptions of main places of interest, contact addresses, and a table of facilities in the national parks.
This title is part of Hema’s series of regional touring maps, providing more detailed or more convenient coverage of various regions of Australia than found on road maps of individual states or in the publisher's "City to City" series.