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Először Európában - Rough Guide
Először Európában - Rough Guide
5 490 Ft 
4 941 Ft

Először Európában - Rough Guide

Először Európában - angol nyelvű útikönyv
7. kiadás (2007 március)
Írta: Doug Lansky
400 oldalas, 30 térképpel, 16 oldalas színes bevezetővel
Szokásos szállítási idő: 3 hét
5 490 Ft 
4 941 Ft
Begin: 28/02/2010   While stocks last!
Discount 10
Saving 549 Ft
You can get to Europe, even travel around it, without help. But without a little pre-trip planning, you’ll make mistakes – wasting both time and money. This book won’t tell you where to go, but it will give you the tools to custom design the best possible journey for your time frame and budget. There are some things, such as rail passes, volunteer projects or cooking courses, that need to be booked in advance. This book will explain which things to plan for, which are best done on the fly, and how to do it. It will also help you pack what you need, so you don’t end up carrying around items you never use and give budget tricks and skills so you can save £5 - £15 per day with minimal effort (which can add up to £900 on a two-month trip). Essentially, this book contains the sort of information you could probably figure out on your own after about four or five years on the road. Just seems a little easier to get it in an hour or two.
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