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Curacao térkép - Vandorp - Eddine
Curacao térkép - Vandorp - Eddine
5 660 Ft

Curacao térkép - Vandorp - Eddine

1: 70,000

szállítási határidő: 2 hét
5 660 Ft
General map of the island with colours indicating rocky areas and scrub. Within the road network some of the roads are shown with their names. Symbols highlight beaches, diving sites, plantation houses, and places of interest.

On the reverse, three insets in black and white provide more information: the central part around the Schottegat at 1:41,500, the northern tip of the islands with Christoffel Park at 1:70,000, and a street plan of Willemstad. Both the main map and the insets are indexed for roads/streets, as well as diving sites and places of interest.
Article No.