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Dél-Amerika északnyugati része térkép - ITM
Dél-Amerika északnyugati része térkép - ITM
3 500 Ft

Dél-Amerika északnyugati része térkép - ITM

Dél-Amerika északnyugati része térkép
4. kiadás
Méretarány: 1:4 000,000
3 500 Ft
This is one of the last of the famous Kevin Healey maps still in print. Kevin and I started publishing in 1985, and this was his first new map (after the two-sheet SA set) and was designed to re-map South America at an improved scale to show more information. Well, he did, and this map is now the standard map for explorers in this part of the world. It shows physical features, roads, parks, reserves, off-shore islands, and important attractions from Panama south to northern Chile and east into Brasil and Bolivia. This map is incredibly detailed and it was all prepared by one person, bent over a light table, carefully scribing (etching) the original linework for months at a time. It is a classic! - but kept up to date by one of Kevin's colleagues.