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Északnyugati területek térkép - ITM
Északnyugati területek térkép - ITM
3 900 Ft

Északnyugati területek térkép - ITM


1:1 300,000
Szállítási határidő: 10 nap
3 900 Ft
Double-sided map of Northwest Territories, part of a series of maps of Canadian provinces from the Vancouver-based ITMB, with topography presented by altitude colouring rather than by relief shading. The map divides the province east-west, with the northernmost islands shown as a separate inset.

Topography is indicated by altitude colouring, spot heights and names of mountain ranges. Swamps, salt flats, sandy areas, waterfalls and rapids are marked. The map also shows the tree line and areas of tundra vegetation. Protected areas and Indian reserves are highlighted.

Road network indicates winter, ice and seasonal roads. Names of various highways are shown and locations of local airstrips, sea plane bases and petrol stations are indicated. Symbols highlight lodges and camping sites, information centres and medical services, skiing areas, etc. The map has a latitude and longitude grid at intervals of 1º and an index of settlements.