Vividly coloured topographic map of the Paine Basin covering an area measuring approx 46km E-W by 68km N-S. Extends north to Lake Dickson, south to the Balmaceda Galcier, west to Lake Pingo and east to Bahia El Bote on Lake Toro.
Relief is presented by 100m contours, spot heights and elevation tinting. Hiking and horseriding trails are highlighted with distance and journey times indicated. Symbols denote a range of facilities and further details eg. shelters, campsites, hotels, stores, climbing sites, ferries, viewpoints & windy areas. Indexed for lakes, summits and ranger stations. Includes distance table.
Photographs on the reverse portray highlights of the region and the accompanying booklet presents some background information on the region and advice for visitors, a simple street map of Puerto Natales (with index) and vertical profiles for trekking routes.