Detailed road map of Whitsunday Coast from Bowen in the north to Cape Palmerston National Park in the south. National parks and state forests, along the coast and in the hinterland around Eungella, are highlighted. Symbols show various facilities, including campsites, sport and leisure centres, etc. The map includes several enlargements with street plans of main towns: Bakers Creek, Bowen, Hay Point, Marian, Mirani, Prosperine, Sarina, Sarina Beach, Seaforth, Walkerston and Whitsunday, as well as a large indexed plan of Mackay. Also included are lists of facilities in the protected areas.
This title is part of Hema’s series of regional touring maps, providing more detailed or more convenient coverage of various regions of Australia than found on road maps of individual states or in the publisher's "City to City" series.