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Titicaca - La Paz - Tiwanaku - Yungas térkép - Walter Guzman
Titicaca - La Paz - Tiwanaku - Yungas térkép - Walter Guzman
7 820 Ft

Titicaca - La Paz - Tiwanaku - Yungas térkép - Walter Guzman

1: 1,190,000

szállítási idő: 2 hét
7 820 Ft
Tourist road map of the region around Lake Titicaca and La Paz, extending into the region north-east of the city beyond the ridge of the Cordillera Real. Bold hill-shading and elevation colouring portray the general relief, and road detail includes some minor roads and tracks, with intermediate distances shown on main routes. Railways and ferries are also included. Reserve boundaries are marked and symbols show places of interest and various tourism features eg. campsites, petrol stations, hotels, old churches, trekking localities. The map is indexed for locations of interest, each with a brief description in Spanish and English. Latitude and longitude lines are drawn at 30’ intervals and the legend is also bilingual.

Frequent problems with replenishing our stocks of maps from this publisher mean that titles currently out of stock may not be available again for several months.